Générale des Eaux (a water company)
‘Ile de France” water distribution network(France)
Whatever the process of water treatment in the factories is, the sterilization of the water distribution networks is inevitable to take into account:
With this intention, the drinking water distributors inject chlorine into different points of their network. This injection is controlled according to the residual rate of chlorine and the instantaneous flow.
Associated with the system of chlorine injection, our flowmeters deliver the value of the instantaneous flow in analogical (4-20 mA) or numerical (RS232 or 485 with protocol MODBUS or JBUS) form. The flowmeters consist of a converter UF322-L1 or MINISONIC 600/2000 associated with a pair of ultrasonic intrusive or clamp-on probes depending on the constraints of the sites. The whole equipment is generally gathered in a technical room or an independent cabinet.
The choice of Ultraflux flowmeters for this kind of application has like advantages:
Similar achievements were also made in foreign countries (ex: photograph opposite, Bangkok).